Metagenome de novo assembly, binning of contigs, gene finding and functional profiling of microbiomes using PFAM, Gene Ontology and BLAST.

Custom-built genome reference database by direct import of microbial genomes from NCBI provides the highest precision of taxonomic assignment.

Easy access to common reference databases such as Greengenes, Silva and UNITE.De novo or reference based OTU-clustering of 16S, 18S and ITS amplicon data.On-demand webinar: Harnessing insight from real-world oncology cases : introducing HSMD – In this on-demand webinar, we will introduce you to the Human Somatic Mutation Database (HSMD)-a new somatic database developed by QIAGEN.On-demand Webinar: How you can simplify your NGS secondary analysis workflow to 5 easy steps – Find out how you can simplify your NGS secondary analysis workflow to 5 easy steps using QCI Secondary Analysis, a new cloud-based service f.On-demand webinar: Discover hidden relationships in your toxicological studies with QIAGEN IPA – Watch this informative past webinar on how QIAGEN IPA can help you dig deeper into your toxicogenomic studies!.10 – An expert panel of leading medical geneticists, variant scientists and bioinformaticians will discuss emerging scientific and clinical trend. Hereditary NGS Clinical Summit Series: Part II – Nov.23 – Join us for a 90-minute training session for new users of QIAGEN IPA. QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) New user trainings – All Regions – Nov.24 – As requested by many users, QIAGEN Digital Insights team is excited to introduce QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) deep-dive trainings. QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA): Deep-dive trainings – All Regions – Nov.QIAGEN OmicSoft – Powerful cloud-enabled ‘omics GUI, complete NGS analysis workflows and unparalleled curated content for immediate exploration.Human Somatic Mutation Database (HSMD) – A new somatic database developed by QIAGEN that contains extensive genomic content relevant to solid tumors and hematological malignancies.QIAGEN IPA – Powerful tools to uncover the significance of data and identify new targets or candidate biomarkers within the context of biological systems.
Introducing QCI Interpret One, clinical decision support software with professional i.